torsdag 20. oktober 2011

Another Brick in the Wall

This is an interpretation of the song "Another Brick in the Wall" of Pink Floyd. 

In the song they sing about how the kids don’t want any education and that they want the teachers to leave them alone. They also say in the song “It’s just another brick in the wall” who is also the title of the song.

I think they mean that the wall is all your life and the little brick is school and education. With this i think they mean that the kids think that school and education is just a small bit of life, that it doesn’t matter. (Like a little brick in doesn't matter on a big wall) 

Actually this song is a protest song about the strict schools, especially private schools. “Another Brick in the Wall” was banned in some countries, but it was still number one hit in the UK, USA, Germany and several other countries.

I think the song is interesting. It's also a song full of meaning. I still think the text is very repeating, and this makes it a bit boring. But this is only my opinion!

- Vilde Andersen