torsdag 24. november 2011

Review of the movie ”David Copperfield”


"David Copperfield"

The director of the film is Simon Curtis. He has directed some more movies and is most known for “My week with Marilyn” (2011), “Five days” (2007) and “A short stay in Switzerland” (2009) I haven’t had the chance to see any of them but I have heard of them. Another movie Curtis is well known for is “David Copperfield” (1999). We saw this movie at school and here is my review!

The main character in the movie is David Copperfield. Young David Copperfield is played by Mark Doran, I don’t know anything about him. David Copperfield in his youth is played by Daniel Radcliffe, well known of the Harry Potter films. Ciaran McMenamin plays David Copperfield as a grown up, I myself have never heard of him. In the movie David Copperfield has an aunt, her name is Betsey Trotwood. Betsey Trotwood is played by Maggie Smith who also plays with Radcliffe in the Harry Potter films. David Copperfield mother Clara Copperfield is played by Emilia Fox. Emilia is known for the movie “The Pianist” (2002). I think the actors are perfect in their roles. They act really well. And Mr. Radcliffe now has become a great actor!

In 1820 a little boy named David Copperfield was born. Little David lived with his mother Clara and their beloved nanny, housekeeper and best friend Pegotty. David’s father died before David was born. At the age of seven his mother re-marries to Mr. Edward Murdstone. He is a cruel man and David had no reason to like him at all. Edward and his sister Jane trashed David for falling behind with his studies. After the trashing David bites Edward. Because of this Mr. Murdstone sends David away to boarding school.

While David is living the hard life at boarding school, his mom and Mr. Murdstone gets a little baby boy. Not long after the boy was born, both he and David’s mother died. Now Edward sent David to start his own life in London, he had to work in a factory and was living the pore and lonely life until he met his landlord Mr. Wilkins Micawber. After a little while Mr. Micawber was sent to prison. There was no longer someone to care for David in London so he ran away.

David walked all the way from London to Dover, and luckily he found his only living relative, his aunt Betsey Trotwood. His aunt agrees to raise him and she renamed him. His new name was Trotwood Copperfield! After a while David had to live for himself and became best friends with the new housekeeper’s daughter, Agnes Wickfield.

We watches David grow strong and he becomes an adult. Late in the movie he marries the beautiful but naïve Dora Spenlow. Dora dies during a miscarriage early in their marriage. Now David understands that Agnes is the love of his life, and that she had always loved him too. The two of them finds true happiness and gets several children.

The Genre of this movie is Drama. I think it has a melancholy mood throughout the film. It makes me kind of sad actually. Every time David accomplishes something in his life it gets ruined time after time. Luckily the movie ends well and David finds his true and only love! The film did not fit my expectations for the type “drama”. When I watch a drama movie I expect a kind of peak in the movie. This didn't happen in this film, I think. it was just ups and downs all the way..

I didn’t notice the music, but I guess it fitted well to the movie. The movie was OK, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody. That is because I think it is boring and way too long! This was not my kind of movie.

- Vilde Andersen